Sunday, November 5, 2017

8 high protein foods for vegetarian for weight loss and muscle building.

8 high protein foods for vegetarian for weight loss and muscle building. 
8 high protein foods for vegetarian for weight loss and muscle building.

For a good health, there is a recommendation of 0.8 gram of protein per pound of body weight. 
Benefits of high protein food 
1. Healthy skin  
2. Healthy hair
3. Healthy heart 
4. Weight loss 
5. Muscle building
Now here is a list of high protein foods -
1. Almonds -
100 gm of Almonds contain 21 gm of protein.

2 . Yogurt, Milk and Soya-Milk 
6 gm of protein in 100 gm of yogurt milk and Soya -Milk. Protein to Calorie ratio is 1 gm protein per 9.8 calorie. one cup milk of 250 ml provides 8.5 gm of protein, 1 cups of Soyamilk (250 ml) provides 8 gram protein.

3. Cottage Cheese
100 grams of cottage cheese contains 11 gram of protein.

4.Greek Yoghurt - 100 gram of Greek yoghurt contain 10 gram of protein.

5. Kidney beans - 100 gram of Kidney beans contains 24 gram of protein.

6. Tofu - 100 gram of Tofu contains 8 gram of protein,  Protein to calorie ratio  in Tofu is 1 gram protein per 7.4 calories, 1 cup ( 250 gram ) of firm Tofu provides 20 gram of protein.

7. Beans - Protein in 100 gram of Soyabean is 18 gm means hundred gram of soybeans provides 18 gram of protein, protein to calories ratio  in soybeans is 1 gram protein per 9.8 calories. Protein per Cup cooked - Kidney beans (17 gram ), White beans (17 gram ) , Lima beans (15 gram ) ,Fava Beans (14 gram ).

8. Peanut butter - one tablespoon of peanut butter contains 4 gram of protein.

Protein is an important component of every cell in the body. Hair and nails are mostly made of protein. Your body uses protein to build and repair tissues. You also use protein to make enzymes, hormones, and other body chemicals.
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Saturday, November 4, 2017

Buddhist Monk shares his secret of Meditation : How to train your Monkey Mind by Mingyur Ringpoche,Tibetan Buddhist Master

Buddhist Monk shares his secret of Meditation : How to train your Monkey Mind by Mingyur Ringpoche,Tibetan Buddhist Master
Meditation is a process to know yourself and to reach the Higher state of our Mind and to reach the Super-conscious State of mind. It's the first Step to Be Enlightened.
Here, We are sharing a Super and easy Formula of Meditation. The Formula is given by a Buddhist Monk - Mingyur Ringpoche
Buddhist Monk shares his secret of meditation : How to train your Monkey Mind by Mingyur Ringpoche Tibetan Buddhist Master 
We can meditate everywhere, anytime even three seconds, two seconds.... 
While you're Walking, While you are having coffee and tea, While you are having a meeting.... you can meditate. Many people has little bit misunderstand about meditation.
They think meditation meaning, "Think of nothing, Concentrate!" So.... push too much. 
We cannot block thoughts and emotions. whether you listen to your monkey mind or not that's the issue.

What I call "Monkey Mind".... Mind is chattering, yada yada yada, blah blah.... Monkey mind is giving you opinion So whether you listen to opinion or not is up to you, right? Through Meditation, what we do is.... We have to make friends with the monkey mind. But how to make friends? Just giving banana doesn't work. Right method is : You need to give job to monkey mind. how to give job to monkey mind? 
So, here is a Simple Meditation Training - BE AWARE OF THE BREATH 
You ask monkey mind, "Hello! watch Breath." 
Monkey mind says, "Ah yeah! good idea!" And be aware of Breath 
BREATH IN...........          BREATH OUT There's a lot lot of thought comes in the background. don't care, no problem. 

As long as you don't forget your breath Anything is OK. No need too much concentration. 
 Breath in.......                    Breathe out 
Even two Breaths, one Breath.... 
Therefore, we can meditate everywhere,
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Friday, November 3, 2017

7 signs of Enlightenment.

 When you meditate regularly and move toward Spirituality, then you are on the way to be Enlightened. You will see many changes in your body and in your mind. Today, we will talk about the seven signs of Enlightenment. So, here it is-
7 signs of Enlightenment.

1.You begin to see the world with new eyes. you feel loving and at one with everything keep in the flow! Be compassionate and loving the best as you can and don't be hard on yourself when you're having a bad day. Be gentle with yourself as your awareness expands.
2. Your senses increase in their sensivity your Sixth Sense opens up and you become much more aware of subtle energies.
You may begin to see sparkles of Light Shadows, balls of energy the grites of light, movement from the corner of your eyes. You may also hear your name being called, voices humein in your ears. flitting smells and become aware of someone being close to you. 

These are signs of a spirit and your guide never tear! remember that you are always in charge and sat down firm rules. Always practice discernment when dealing with spirit.
3. Your sleep patterns change, you feel restless but seem to have more energy. get used to it and don't worry your body will adjust in time.
4. Sudden waves of emotion feeling sad, lonely, happy, angry etc for no reason. this is a release of blocked emotions and can come from the heart Chakra. don't be hard on yourself acknowledge the feeling as they arise and let them go with love.

5. Old issues keep coming back and at times you feel very lost. you never lost. face any old issues that arise and deal with them this is necessary and deeply cleaning.
6. Shivers, crawling, sensations, tingles on your scalp. feeling pressure on the crown, like someone is pushing down with a finger. flashes of great inspiration/ creativity/thought. 
Feeling vibration around the head and ears. don't worry, this is the opening of the Crown chakra and divine energy flowing in.

7. Your physical body can change. your eating habits become more healthy. your whole body and mind is changing. this will settle down as you deal with old issues. your vibration will rise as you surrender with unconditional love.
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Tuesday, October 31, 2017

The 4 golden rules of living according to Lao Tzu : Philosophy of Lao Tzu to live a happy life.

Today we will know about the great teachings of the great Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu so we present you the four Golden Rules of Living according to lao Tzu. 
The 4 golden rules of living according to Lao Tzu : Philosophy of Lao Tzu to live a happier life.
Centuries ago, Lao Tzu  walked and taught his simple wisdom around China. Lao Tzu was the Chinese master and philosopher there he spoke of the four Cardinal virtues...
Teachings that when we embrace them as a way of life, the truth of the universe reveals itself.
the ancient Chinese master Lao Tzu said that living and practicing these teachings can open you to higher wisdom and great happiness, this is because they bring closer to your innermost source - a place of balance and peace.
He talked about four Cardinal virtues in Tao Te Ching these four Cardinal virtues are found in Tao Te Ching a collection of saying expounding the principal Taoist teachings.
It has 81 short poetic verses packed full of Universal wisdom for politics, society and personal life, and aims to support personal harmony through the right view and understanding of existence.
This ancient wisdom might seem simple but it has life changing implications.

1. Gentleness
"Kindness in words create confidence, kindness in thinking creates profoundness, kindness in giving creates love."  - Lao Tzu 
Essentially, being gentle means giving up the need to be right; being kind is more important than being correct or asserting your own beliefs. when we are gentle, we stop trying to dominate the situation and instead live in harmony with others.
2. Reverence for all life 
"Living in the moment brings you a sense of reverence for all of life's blessings."   - Lao Tzu
Lao Tzu believed that respecting all forms of life was essential for harmony. all creation and creature are equally important, and they require equal respect. Trying to dominate and control all life only leads you away from enlightenment. you can't find peace in the midst of a struggle for control besides, a truly spiritual perspective tells us that love is freedom.

3. Natural Sincerity
"When pure sincerity forms within, it is outwardly realised in other people's hearts."    - Lao Tzu

Without being authentic, we can't live harmoniously. Being swayed by outside forces makes us lose sight of who we really are and who we want to be. 
By accepting the truth about ourselves and others. We not only find peace in this life, but we can help others along their paths as well.

4. Supportiveness
" Be Supportive, Let go of the ego."
                                  - Lao Tzu
Just Like The Other virtues, supportiveness applies to everything and everyone, including ourselves.When we help ourselves, it allows us to come from a healthier place and be there for others who might need help alone there own path.
 This comes natural for everyone but society - the coldness of adults and our culture - teach us something different. supporting ourselves and others bring the highest happiness.
Credits - the four rules of living according to Lao Tzu
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The Greatest Teachings Of Buddha : Life Lesson of Buddha

The Greatest Teachings Of BUDDHA
The Greatest Teaching Of Buddha

1.The greatest enemy in life....
                     Is The Self
2. The greatest debts in life....
                    Is Owning Love
3. The greatest gift in life....
                  Is Acceptance and Forgiveness
4. The greatest pride in life....
                 Is Reviving from Failure
5. The greatest Bankruptcy in life....

                   Is Hopelessness
6. The greatest crime in life....
              Is Disloyalty To Parents
7. The greatest ignorance in life....
                  Is Deceit
8. The greatest Shortcoming in life....
            Is Lack Of Awareness
9. The greatest wealth in life....
              Is Health And Wisdom
10. The greatest Failure in life....
                    Is Narcissism
11. The Greatest tragedy in life....
                      Is Jealousy
12. The greatest pity in life....

             Is Self Depreciation
13. The greatest fault in life....
                     Is To Lose Oneself
14. The greatest Console in life....
        Is Endowment And Charity

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Monday, October 30, 2017

Changing the World Starts with Changing your Consciousness ; Philosophy of Life Part - 2

Changing the World Starts with Changing your Consciousness ; Philosophy Of Life - Part 2
Changing the World Starts with Changing your Consciousness ; Philosophy of Life Part - 2

One time a child approached a balloon seller and asked him. "Uncle, will this red balloon fly in the air?" The balloon seller said, "Yes, definitely my child!"
Child again asked the balloon seller "Uncle, the red balloon will definitely go up in the air, but this yellow balloon will go up as well?"
"Of course !" replied the balloon seller
"And the black one?" He again asked to the balloon seller
" Even the black one will go up in the air!"
Frustrated with the child's questions, the balloon seller said to the child.
"Whether the balloon go up in the air or not does not depend on it's colour."
"It depends on the air or the gas that is filled inside."
Ladies and Gentlemen in the same way, Whether we rise in our life, whether we grow in our life does not depend on our firm or our beauty. It doesn't depend on our personality, our abilities, our qualifications. These things are simply like the colours of the balloon.
Whether we will rise up in our life depends on our CONSCIOUSNESS, our FAITH, our ATTITUDE.
Our Consciousness, our Attitude is like air or gas that fills the balloon.
That is why we say : Don't just focus on your personality. Try to become a good person. If you become a good person, If you improve your Consciousness, faith, attitude then personality is like the colour of the balloon.
We are not saying that one should not have a personality. We are not saying that personality should not be improved. but while focusing on personality, don't forget to become a good person.
If you want to change the CONDITION of your LIFE then change the DIRECTION of your LIFE. THE PATH of SPIRITUALITY shows us a direction in a way that, our life can be TRANSFORMED.

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Sunday, August 13, 2017

Top 5 American Car Insurance Companies.

Top 5 American Car Insurance Companies.

Top 5 American Car Insurance Companies.

Today we are going to talk about the Top 5 American Automobile Insurance Companies. If you wants t buy any Automobile Insurance then these will be the best option. So here is the list of Top 5 American Automobile Insurance Companies.


The Progressive Corporation is one of the largest car Insurance Provider in the United States. The Progressive also insure Commercial Vehicles, Boats, Motorcycles,  RVs and also Provides home Insurance through Select Companies. The Progressive Corporation has expanded internationally as well, offering Car Insurance in Australia. The Company was Co-founded in 1937 by Jack Green and Joseph M. Lewis and is headquartered in Mayfield.


Travelers is an American Insurance company. It is the Second largest wruter9f U.S. Commercial property casualty Insurance and the third largest writer of U.S. personal Insurance through independent agents. Travelers is Incorporated in Minnesota, with headquarters in New York city and its largest office in Hartford, Connecticut. Travelers also maintain the largest office in St. Paul, Minnesota. It has been a component the Dow Jones Industrial average since June 8, 2009.


The Government Employees Insurance Company ( GEICO )is an American Auto insurance company, headquartered in Chevy Chase, Maryland. It is a Wholly owned subsidiary of Berkshire Hathaway that as of 2014 provided coverage for more than 22 million motor vehicles owned by more than 14 million policy holders. GEICO writes private passenger automobile insurance in all 50 U.S States and the District of Columbia.

#4. AMICA 

Amica Mutual insurance is an American Mutual Insurance company. Which sells Automobile, Homeowners, Marine, Personal umbrella liability, and Life Insurance. It employs more than 3500 people in 45 Offices across the United States and is headquartered in Lincoln, Rhode Island. It was founded in 1907.


State Farm is an American group of Insurance and Financial Services Companies in the United States. The Group's main business is State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company, a mutual insurance firm that also owns the other State Farm Companies. The Corporate headquarters are in Blooming toh, Illinois.
State Farm is ranked 44th in the 2013 Fortune 500, which lists American Companies by Revenue.

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