Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Wormhole Concept Decoded: Lord Hanuman used Wormhole to reach Lanka

Wormhole Concept Decoded: Lord Hanuman used Wormhole to reach Lanka. 

We all know that the concept of Wormhole is predicted by the general theory of Relativity. A wormhole is used to travel from one point of space to another within very short of time. Basically, A Wormhole is a passage through space - time that could create shortcuts for long journeys across the universe.
Wormhole Concept Decoded: Lord Hanuman used Wormhole to reach Lanka

There is an incident in the Indian Epic Ramayana in which Lord Hanuman used a wormhole to reach Lanka when Vanra - Sena were searching to find the exact location of Mother Sita. When Mother Sita was abducted by Ravana.
In the Kishkindha Kand of Ramayana, Sage Valmiki describes a 'Wormhole' which is located in a cave in the Vindhya Mountain range in Madhya Pradesh, India.
As Valmiki described in the Ramayana, according to that verses the Vanras are attracted to a certain 'black cave' when they see that 'swans'  emerging from a cavity. 
The 'swans' are dripping with water the Vanaras are hungry & thirsty and were looking for refuse. Since their hunt for abducted Sita in the southern direction had not borne any fruit till then.
Finally, a lady named "Swayamprabha" appeared from the dark. Swayamprabha allows the tired 'vanaras' to freshen up and Feed themselves, and on the request of Hanuman transports the bewildered 'Vanaras' out of the cave. They are transported out of the cave in an instant, but not before she tells the 'vanaras' to cover their eyes a requirement for this transportation system. 
The 'Vanaras'  including Hanuman and their Leader Angada find themselves out of the cave but they are close to an ocean located South of the Vindhyas. So where are the Vanaras transported to?
Valmiki does not clarify.  But the description of the place that the 'Vanaras' first see inside the cave or wormhole is very close to the description of the city Lanka that Valmiki later writes in the 'Sunderkand' section in Ramayana. 
So,  were the Vanaras intentionally transported to Lanka and give then an idea where Sita was taken by her abductor. 

It's Vipul Saini signing out 
Till then bye bye 
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