Saturday, November 4, 2017

Buddhist Monk shares his secret of Meditation : How to train your Monkey Mind by Mingyur Ringpoche,Tibetan Buddhist Master

Buddhist Monk shares his secret of Meditation : How to train your Monkey Mind by Mingyur Ringpoche,Tibetan Buddhist Master
Meditation is a process to know yourself and to reach the Higher state of our Mind and to reach the Super-conscious State of mind. It's the first Step to Be Enlightened.
Here, We are sharing a Super and easy Formula of Meditation. The Formula is given by a Buddhist Monk - Mingyur Ringpoche
Buddhist Monk shares his secret of meditation : How to train your Monkey Mind by Mingyur Ringpoche Tibetan Buddhist Master 
We can meditate everywhere, anytime even three seconds, two seconds.... 
While you're Walking, While you are having coffee and tea, While you are having a meeting.... you can meditate. Many people has little bit misunderstand about meditation.
They think meditation meaning, "Think of nothing, Concentrate!" So.... push too much. 
We cannot block thoughts and emotions. whether you listen to your monkey mind or not that's the issue.

What I call "Monkey Mind".... Mind is chattering, yada yada yada, blah blah.... Monkey mind is giving you opinion So whether you listen to opinion or not is up to you, right? Through Meditation, what we do is.... We have to make friends with the monkey mind. But how to make friends? Just giving banana doesn't work. Right method is : You need to give job to monkey mind. how to give job to monkey mind? 
So, here is a Simple Meditation Training - BE AWARE OF THE BREATH 
You ask monkey mind, "Hello! watch Breath." 
Monkey mind says, "Ah yeah! good idea!" And be aware of Breath 
BREATH IN...........          BREATH OUT There's a lot lot of thought comes in the background. don't care, no problem. 

As long as you don't forget your breath Anything is OK. No need too much concentration. 
 Breath in.......                    Breathe out 
Even two Breaths, one Breath.... 
Therefore, we can meditate everywhere,
Comment Below your thoughts about this. 

It's Vipul Saini signing out 
Till then bye bye 
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