Monday, October 30, 2017

Changing the World Starts with Changing your Consciousness ; Philosophy of Life Part - 2

Changing the World Starts with Changing your Consciousness ; Philosophy Of Life - Part 2
Changing the World Starts with Changing your Consciousness ; Philosophy of Life Part - 2

One time a child approached a balloon seller and asked him. "Uncle, will this red balloon fly in the air?" The balloon seller said, "Yes, definitely my child!"
Child again asked the balloon seller "Uncle, the red balloon will definitely go up in the air, but this yellow balloon will go up as well?"
"Of course !" replied the balloon seller
"And the black one?" He again asked to the balloon seller
" Even the black one will go up in the air!"
Frustrated with the child's questions, the balloon seller said to the child.
"Whether the balloon go up in the air or not does not depend on it's colour."
"It depends on the air or the gas that is filled inside."
Ladies and Gentlemen in the same way, Whether we rise in our life, whether we grow in our life does not depend on our firm or our beauty. It doesn't depend on our personality, our abilities, our qualifications. These things are simply like the colours of the balloon.
Whether we will rise up in our life depends on our CONSCIOUSNESS, our FAITH, our ATTITUDE.
Our Consciousness, our Attitude is like air or gas that fills the balloon.
That is why we say : Don't just focus on your personality. Try to become a good person. If you become a good person, If you improve your Consciousness, faith, attitude then personality is like the colour of the balloon.
We are not saying that one should not have a personality. We are not saying that personality should not be improved. but while focusing on personality, don't forget to become a good person.
If you want to change the CONDITION of your LIFE then change the DIRECTION of your LIFE. THE PATH of SPIRITUALITY shows us a direction in a way that, our life can be TRANSFORMED.

It's Vipul Saini signing out 
Till then bye bye 
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