Tuesday, July 25, 2017

How To Make People Like You in Just 90 Seconds Or Less

Hello Friends

Today I'm going to tell you the summary of the very famous book - How to make people like you in 90 seconds or less by Nicholas Boothman.
How To Make People Like You in Just 90 Seconds Or Less

He says that Likable people are friendly, Open, and Welcoming. They also have many qualities like Signaling, Self Confidence, Sincerity, and Trust. You can also develop these qualities within you by meeting other peoples continuously.
There is a principle that If someone doesn't find us interesting within the first 90 seconds we tent to disengage completely. If you want to people like you then it begins before you even open your mouth.
The first things a new person will notice about you are your body, your eyes, and the expression on your face, and it's essential for all three of these elements to emit a feeling.

Firstly whenever you are going to meet anyone they observe your body and your posture and these two things tells everything about you.
Your Posture can be divided into two categories open and closed -
Open body language exposes your heart and body, signaling to others that you are not only willing to communicate, but that you are enthusiastic about it. As a result, when two people begin a conversation with their hearts facing one another a powerful connection forms and Trust becomes more likely to solidity.
On the other hand, Closed body language protects the heart through gestures that express resistance, frustration, impatience, and nervousness. And body language isn't just about, well your body. It's also about your face and it's expression, which can be open or closed as well.
For Example, An open face smiles☺, and makes eye contact, with a dynamic expression and raised eyebrows. On the other hand, a closed face is stern and avoids eye contact.
So, If you want people to trust what you say , you need to be sure that your body is saying the same thing.
In other words, what you say, how you say it and the signals your body sends while you say it all need to be aligned. If they're not, the other person will tell the discomfort held in your body and both of you will feel unpleasant.
Match your response to the person to dominate sense So you can make them like you more in 90 seconds or less.

Endearing yourself to a new acquaintance begins from the moment you meet one another.
The way another person feels around you is key to making them like you, which makes it essential to adopt a genuinely open attitude and willingness to connect.
Now go out there test and apply what you learnt today , start making friends, just reading is not enough, the best way to remember something is to practice it.
Comment below what you want to know about this. 
If You want to bye this book then you can buy it from here
It's Vipul Saini signing out 
Till then bye bye 
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